Saturday 28 May 2011

Get the best deal on rent in London | City A.M.

Get the best deal on rent in London | City A.M.

YOUNG professionals struggling to get on the housing ladder is not news. Renting, particularly in London, is just a fact of life for many of us – at least while we are working on those deposits. The problem with renting, however, is that it is getting more and more expensive.

Indeed, research out this week shows that average rents in London are up by 7.9 per cent since last year. And with inflation soaring, finding a good deal is becoming more important. While renting within the walls of greater London will always be a trade-off between cost, commuting time and space, ever so often areas spring up offering the perfect combo. Shoreditch is the perfect example. It wasn’t that long ago that the area felt undiscovered and offered residents great value for money.

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