Tuesday 3 May 2011

Online House Hunter: Dealing with the little problems | Alan Cleaver | Independent Property Blogs

Online House Hunter: Dealing with the little problems | Alan Cleaver | Independent Property Blogs

BUYING a house can be the biggest decision you’ll make – but it’s often the little things that matter. Scruffy streets, noise and anti-social behaviour or just a lack of parking can deter someone at the last moment from spending tens or hundreds of thousands of pounds.

Whether you’re looking at a house for sale in Pimlico or a flat in Finchley, the broken street light or pile of rubbish could make you hesitate from putting a signature on the dotted line.

If you’re looking to sell your home, that can mean putting pressure on the council or neighbours to get those problems fixed. And if you’re looking to buy a house it means taking time to study the minutiae of websites such as police.uk or fixmystreet which can reveal hidden nightmares you would rather do without.

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