Monday 9 May 2011

Rich List exclusion leaves bitter taste for Candy brothers - Telegraph

Rich List exclusion leaves bitter taste for Candy brothers - Telegraph

Amid all the fanfare surrounding The Sunday Times Rich List, there is one conspicuous omission. Nick and Christian Candy, the property developers said to be worth £300million last year, have this year failed to make the cut at all.

"We contacted them several times and two meetings with the finance director were set up only to be cancelled at short notice,” Philip Beresford, the compiler of the list, tells Mandrake.

“They then asked for a list of written questions, which we supplied, detailing the information we needed and the documentary evidence required. But we were finally told we would get no answers. We bent over backwards for them, compared with other candidates, but in the absence of an adequate response we felt we had no basis on which to include them in this year’s list.”

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