Monday, 16 May 2011

Why Euroland can't resist a London base: Demand has pushed prime prices up, with rents rising even faster | Mail Online

Why Euroland can't resist a London base: Demand has pushed prime prices up, with rents rising even faster | Mail Online

If you are reading this in your pleasant West London home then it will be cheering news, but if you are in a suburb just about anywhere else in the country then it may be a bit of a downer.
The gap between the 20 per cent of the most desirable houses in the country and the 20 per cent at the bottom of the market is growing much wider: expensive areas increased 3.4 per cent over the past year, while the cheapest fifth declined by 5.1 per cent.
As a result, house prices in London are nearly twice (1.94 times) the average of that for England and Wales – the biggest difference recorded since 2002, according to Chesterton Humberts.

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