Sunday, 5 June 2011

Letters: Tenancy rights need a shakeup to protect 'generation rent' | Business | The Guardian

Letters: Tenancy rights need a shakeup to protect 'generation rent' | Business | The Guardian

The modest housing market reforms advocated by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) are welcome, but could take decades to slow or even reverse the trend towards "generation rent" (Housing market fears as 'generation rent' keeps away from property ladder, 31 May). In the meantime, we are leaving more and more people in one of the most insecure rental sectors in Europe. In London, two in every five private rented homes are in a bad state of repair, and tenants who complain can easily be evicted – or given a huge rent rise – in retaliation. Young Londoners, for whom home ownership is furthest from reach, might like to see tighter mortgage regulations ......

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