Tuesday 7 June 2011

Online House Hunter: Buy-to-let’s back | Alan Cleaver | Independent Property Blogs

Online House Hunter: Buy-to-let’s back | Alan Cleaver | Independent Property Blogs

WITH some good bargains to be had in the struggling property market and talk of a Generation Rent looking to be eternal tenants, it’s not too surprising that people are daring to mention buy-to-rent once more.

It only seems a short while ago that everyone was looking to buy property, do it up and then rent it out in order to fund the next property in their growing portfolio.

Then the economic downturn struck and more than one over optimistic property investor had their fingers burnt. But now it seems many are being tempted back.

A survey by LSL Property Services revealed 49% of landlords though it was now a good time to invest with 68% of them expecting the number of potential tenants to increase over the next 12 months.

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