Saturday, 20 August 2011

The rules of social recruiting | Money | The Guardian

The rules of social recruiting | Money | The Guardian

Chances are you are already familiar with social networks as tools for keeping in touch with friends, or to broadcast your thoughts. But if their value as a way of connecting with potential employers has passed you by, it's time to wise up fast. A recent US survey showed that nearly 90% of employers either use, or plan to use, social media for recruiting.

In the rapidly changing world of social recruitment, barely a week goes by without the appearance of some new website or gizmo purporting to change the face of job-hunting forever. Last month, for example, saw the launch of the "Apply with LinkedIn" button, enabling jobseekers to send their public profile data from the business professional network directly to an employer. Reports of the death of the traditional paper CV may be premature, but clearly it is becoming an increasingly less influential part of the jobseeker's armoury.

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