Monday 22 August 2011

Your ticket into the Chipping Norton Set! The £3.25m house that comes with Cameron and Clarkson as neighbours... | Mail Online

Your ticket into the Chipping Norton Set! The £3.25m house that comes with Cameron and Clarkson as neighbours... | Mail Online

West Oxfordshire: a seemingly perfect world where David and Samantha Cameron hold court in a fiefdom of picture-postcard stone villages and stunning Cotswold countryside.

Here is where you find the so-called 'Chipping Norton Set' of political and media power brokers, where ex-Blur musician Alex James makes cheese on his 200-acre farm and Jeremy Clarkson roars down the lanes in his latest 4x4.

It's where Rupert Murdoch's former chief executive Rebekah Brooks is licking her wounds after her exit from News International and near the £6million home Murdoch's daughter Elisabeth lives in with her PR guru husband Matthew Freud.

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