Monday 5 September 2011

Can you make money from renting your home during London 2012 Olympics - or any other time? | Mail Online

Can you make money from renting your home during London 2012 Olympics - or any other time? | Mail Online

The London Olympics is less than a year away and thousands of Londoners are being tempted with stories of renting out their house or a spare room to visitors to make some extra cash.
And those stories doing the rounds have also triggered those living further afield to wonder whether they too could rent out their property for a few weeks a year to tourists and make them a nice little earner.

It sounds like an appealing prospect – renting out your house for a month, while the rental money funds a holiday away in the sunshine, or just a good wad of savings cash.

But will your mortgage lender allow you to rent your home? Will you need special insurance? What kind of demand is there for London Olympics rental properties? Which websites can you advertise your property on safely?

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