Sunday 15 January 2012

Besotted owners are shelling out up to £3,000 on lavish dog houses for their pampered pets | Mail Online

Besotted owners are shelling out up to £3,000 on lavish dog houses for their pampered pets | Mail Online

For most dogs, a kennel used to comprise a few planks of wood held together with rusty nails to form a rather rudimentary shelter from the wind and rain.

But now besotted owners are lavishing up to £3,000 on designer homes for their pets – from a Bauhaus-inspired cube-shaped structure to a pink castle complete with turrets.

1 comment:

  1. I usually recommend 3 options for anyone considering a dog house. 1- build it yourself if you have the tools and the skills or some friends that are carpenters. 2-Get your carpenter friend to build- these guys always have materials laying around. 3- buy a good quality dog house.
    check out some ideas at
