Saturday, 18 February 2012

Let's move to Stow-on-the-Wold, Gloucestershire | Money | The Guardian

Let's move to Stow-on-the-Wold, Gloucestershire | Money | The Guardian

What's going for it? People have it in for Stow. Or, to be precise, sclerotic restaurant critics have it in for Stow. Jay Rayner called it "everything that is wrong about ersatz, up-itself, self-deluding, arthritic, rural Britain". AA Gill named it the worst place he'd been to. Which, in my book, means it can't be half bad. I don't quite know what can work them up into such a temper. True, it is a tad cutesy and country casual-ish, and it's hard to imagine the Cotswolds were once a place not lived in by over-moisturised hedge funders and their wives. But it's hardly the seventh circle of hell. Lovely old bookshops, delicious architecture, good food shops, decent places to eat and plenty of residents who are neither grey-haired nor hedge funders. There are, I admit, a surfeit of tea shops and antique dealers, but since when was too much clotted cream a problem? And, in any case, any place that serves lardy cake in the bakers can't be that rotten.

The case against I refer you to Messrs Gill and Rayner. For me, it's all a bit too mild. Slightly more affordable

1 comment:

  1. What does a restaurant critic know!!! Some of the worst places I have been to have been hyped as being great by some critic or review.

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