Monday 21 May 2012

Day in the life of a secret property agent - Telegraph

Day in the life of a secret property agent - Telegraph

'What did you do before you got into this game?” I ask Sebastian Gibson, property-finder to the super-rich.
“You’ll laugh,” he replies.
“Try me.”
“After graduating I moved to Hollywood. I wanted to write screenplays, but ended up fetching coffee for the actress, Susan Sarandon. A non-fat decaff latte,” he adds, pulling a face.
In an irony worthy of a film script, if Sarandon were looking for a property in London today, she would probably engage someone like Gibson. He is a high-end house-hunter whose brief is to find flash London properties for wealthy clients. The Hollywood coffee-fetcher has become the rich man’s Phil Spencer, matching clients to houses, sniffing out bargains, relishing every twist and turn in the property game.

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