60% of landlords plan to expand their portfolio this year | Alex Johnson | Independent Property Blogs
With demand for rental properties continuing to outstrip supply, the report from specialist mortgage broker Mortgages for Business reveals that 84% of investors looking to expand said they are planning to purchase more houses and flats over the next six month.
Only 3% of investors are planning to reduce their portfolios over the next six months, down from 6% over the last three months.
“Landlord appetite for buying residential property is high,” said David Whittaker, managing director at Mortgages for Business. “This will support the private rented sector and ease the strain on would be renters chasing too few properties.”
More than three quarters of landlords said that lenders need to do more to support them and are looking for buy to let mortgages that cater for more specialist scenarios including more products for holiday lets and more lending to ex-pats.
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