Tuesday 21 August 2012

Talking about property prices 'is taboo' - Telegraph

Talking about property prices 'is taboo' - Telegraph

The subject has been named as one of the top ten taboos that people find it uncomfortable to discuss.
Figures show that one in six would rather not open up about their worries over whether their house price is falling or increasing, even with their closest friends.
The new list of top taboos is dominated by sex and money, pushing politics and religion – the traditional topics to avoid – towards the bottom.
Sex life is the number one subject that is off limits – named by 32% - followed by infidelity on 31% and the state of one’s finances on 28%.
The potentially awkward discussion of one’s salary comes in fourth with 25%, and the rather private matters of family planning at 19% and relationship with one’s current partner at 18%

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