Saturday 19 February 2011

How to find the cheapest 'low-cost' Sipp | This is Money

How to find the cheapest 'low-cost' Sipp | This is Money

Want to save for retirement? Fed up (or put off) by the high charges and poor performance of many of the traditional personal pensions out there?

A Sipp may be right for you. Here, we guide you through the market so you can find the very best deal about.

Background: What is a Sipp?

Sipps – or Self-Invested Personal Pensions to give them their full name – are DIY pension schemes where investors can choose their own investments.

Originally created 20-odd years ago to cater for extremely wealthy savers, a new no-frills version is revolutionising personal pensions.

Simple and inexpensive, the 'low-cost' Sipp has opened the market to middle-income investors looking to boost returns by going it alone.

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