Saturday 19 February 2011

Property News | Ritchie squatters point to dangers of empty property

Property News | Ritchie squatters point to dangers of empty property

In light of reports that squatters have taken over a £6million Grade I listed mansion in London's upmarket Fitzroy Square belonging to film-maker Guy Ritchie, Paul Shamplina, Founder of eviction specialists Landlord Action, comments on this growing problem.

"Squatting cases are on the rise and this latest story demonstrates that anyone can become a victim of squatters, wealthy or not. Nowadays, squatters do a lot more research in respect to the properties they choose to squat at.

"They may also do searches at the land registry to see who owns them, as well as doing research as to how long they have been unoccupied for, and that it is not the owners main residence. Property owners need to be aware of the risks and take precautionary measures.

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