Wednesday 15 June 2011

Online House Hunter: Bank Holiday Blues | Alan Cleaver | Independent Property Blogs

Online House Hunter: Bank Holiday Blues | Alan Cleaver | Independent Property Blogs

THE bank holidays are to blame – At least in part – for the still struggling housing market. So say chartered surveyors in a new survey.

And it’s easy to see why with a seemingly endless run of bank holidays, Easter breaks and royal weddings in the first five months of this year. How is anyone to get any work done? One suspects the announcement of two bank holiday days next year to mark the Queen’s diamond jubilee went down like a lead balloon in housing circles.

This week has seen another batch of headlines trying to sum up in half a dozen words a very complex housing market. Which is one explanation for the discrepancy between those claiming mortgages rose (they rose 8% month on month) or fell (down 2% year on year).

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