Monday 28 November 2011

Will £400m cash injection stop us from becoming a nation of renters? - Mortgages - Money - The Independent

Will £400m cash injection stop us from becoming a nation of renters? - Mortgages - Money - The Independent

In a move to stimulate a comatose housing market in which, in David Cameron's words "lenders won't lend, builders can't build and buyers can't buy", the Government is to inject £400m into house-building and to free up of mortgage finance for first-time buyers (FTBs).

The plans have had a lukewarm response at best, with critics arguing that it won't do enough to kick-start the market and prevent us from becoming a nation of renters.

"The only winners in this new initiative are the insurance industry, mortgage lenders, estate agents and sellers," says Angus Hanton, the co-founder of think tank Intergenerational Foundation. "Younger generations will still have to prop up an overpriced market where prices should be falling, an overpriced mortgage industry where charges should be falling while underwriting the debt. The fact remains the older generation is over-consuming housing."

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