Thursday 5 April 2012

Flaws in Cameron's revival of right to buy | Society | The Guardian

Flaws in Cameron's revival of right to buy | Society | The Guardian

So David Cameron and the Tories are set to give richer council house tenants £75,000 discounts to help them buy the houses they rent, are they (Thatcher's right to buy revived, 3 April)?
Can anyone tell me how this will help ameliorate the dire housing situation plaguing this country? Only people in secure, reasonably well-paid jobs will be able to take up this latest offer, and who can claim that status under this disastrous government, which is taking away job security as fast as it can, while aiming to lower wages for public employees in many parts of the country?
It may be "one of Thatcher's most significant achievements", but the result of that stupid policy is that we are now shelling out £20bn a year in housing benefit, largely to private landlords, just to keep people in their homes.
A sensible policy would be to build more houses that people can afford, and start now. It would create jobs, workers paying taxes, and give us affordable housing. That £75,000 would be a good part of the cost of building a new house. Why use it to take one away?

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