Tuesday, 15 February 2011

I'm putting even more sparkle into Bannatyne's Brut: Dragon's Den contestant sells home to invest in wine business | Mail Online

I'm putting even more sparkle into Bannatyne's Brut: Dragon's Den contestant sells home to invest in wine business | Mail Online

Fans of BBC's Dragons' Den will remember Geoff Bowen's performance on the show because he dried up midway through the pitch for his vine-share vineyard for have-a-go wine-makers and floundered in silence for a minute.

Then he sparked a furious row between prospective investors Duncan Bannatyne and Deborah Meaden as they argued about the figures of the proposal, before Meaden snapped that she was 'out'. It was compulsive viewing, but Bowen had the last laugh.

Bannatyne stumped up the £60,000 needed to expand the business, and more than 30,000 viewers logged on to Geoff's Pebblebed Vineyard's website (www.pebblebed.co.uk) to buy his sparkling rosé, white and rosé wines and to sign up for his new vine rental plan.

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