Sunday 24 July 2011

Investment Column: Great Portland builds on London demand - Sharewatch, Business - The Independent

Investment Column: Great Portland builds on London demand - Sharewatch, Business - The Independent

The last time we looked at Great Portland Estates, we decided to keep backing the property firm.

Our continued confidence was down to what we saw as a robust half yearly update that evidenced rising valuations thanks to the company's strength in the capital's West End.

Fast forward to yesterday, and Great Portland issued its valuations for the quarter to the end of June. And the result, once again, was encouraging, with the portfolio valuation up a healthy 3.8 per cent since the end of March. That works out to an nice uplift of nearly 15 per cent since the end of June last year.

Rental value growth was also strong, and was the growth in net asset values, which, at 375p, were up by 27 per cent in year-on-year terms on the European Public Real Estate Association benchmark.

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