Tuesday 23 August 2011

Can I rent out my house without telling my mortgage lender? | Mail Online

Can I rent out my house without telling my mortgage lender? | Mail Online

My bank just told me I have to pay an extra 1.5 per cent mortgage interest if I rent out my house. Do I have to tell it?
Simon Lambert, of This is Money, replies: With property transactions having slumped and mortgage lenders demanding hefty deposits for good deals, more homeowners are deciding that it would be a better plan to rent to move, rather than sell up.

This involves renting out your own home, so that you can rent another and means owners can try to ride out the property slump and also avoid the sky-high costs of moving.

Unfortunately, mortgage lenders’ response to those increasing numbers of people wanting to rent out their home so that they can move has been pretty disappointing.

Where previously many simply granted consent-to-let and perhaps charged a small administration fee, now they often demand a hefty rate premium and have started charging ever larger fees.

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