Wednesday 7 September 2011

Most UK children aspire to buying a dream home, research shows | Europe | News

Most UK children aspire to buying a dream home, research shows | Europe | News

Two thirds of children in the UK plan to own their dream house by the age of 35 while 19% hope to own it at an even younger age, new research reveals.

A third of them believe it will cost in excess of £500,000 but they have an optimistic outlook on life despite the economic downturn, according to new research by Clydesdale and Yorkshire Banks.

And 19% of those are planning to own their dream home by the age of 25, despite the fact that 33% of children estimate that their dream home will cost them between £500,000 and £1 million.

The research also shows that children in Yorkshire are the most hopeful with 38% of primary children in the area hoping to own their dream home by the age of 25 and 83% by the age of 35.

They are also optimistic in Edinburgh where 89% of children expect to home their home by the age of 35 and 29% by the age of 25. While in Wales 80% expect to do so by the age of 35 and 24% by the age of 25.

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