Sunday 1 April 2012

London's 2012 Olympic rental market proves false start for landlords | Sport | The Guardian

London's 2012 Olympic rental market proves false start for landlords | Sport | The Guardian

Like plenty of their neighbours, Kate Greenslade and Gary Seabrook had heard the rumours. "There was a lot of talk that you could rent your place for £10,000 a week, that kind of figure," says Seabrook. "We thought we'd like to do a round-the-world trip, and this was an ideal opportunity."
The couple, who run a video production company together, have a bright, two-bedroom parkside flat a little over a mile from the Olympic stadium. But seven months after first putting the flat on a number of Olympic rentals websites, the couple this week dropped their price, from £3,000 a week, a figure arrived at by "pure guesswork", to £2,500. Despite plenty of inquiries about stays of two or three nights, and a booking for the week before the Olympics begin, no one has yet wanted to block book the property for the entire Games period – the only deal they will consider at present.

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