Sunday, 3 June 2012

Fair rent tenants are still sitting comfortably | Money | The Guardian

Fair rent tenants are still sitting comfortably | Money | The Guardian

It was tea and cakes in Heathview a few weeks ago as its oldest resident celebrated his 98th birthday. Joining him were many of the other elderly tenants in the block, built in 1937 and overlooking Hampstead Heath, in one of London's more sought-after addresses. But they weren't just celebrating a birthday, but the fact that they are among the few people left in Britain who still enjoy a regulated "fair rent" on their home.
Heathview has 55 flats, and 21 are still under rent control laws that applied to landlords before 1989. This year tenants will pay £348 a month for a one-bed flat, rising to £526 for a three-bed. The fair rents are set every two years and go up according

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