Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Park home residents are being exploited, MPs say - Telegraph

Park home residents are being exploited, MPs say - Telegraph

An estimated 160,000 people live in so-called park homes, which are mobile bungalow-style residential properties located in private ‘parks’.
An inquiry by the Communities and Local Government Committee has found that park home occupiers, who are often retired, are being exploited by “unscrupulous site owners”. The committee said that legislation governing park homes is “more suited to the 1960s” than the present day.
The inquiry found that site owners are abusing their power to stop residents from selling their homes on the open market. Rather, they often force them to sell the bungalows at a loss. Site owners were also found to use intimidating behaviour.
Clive Betts MP, the committee’s chair, said: ““While we recognise that there are some good site operators, the vast majority of the evidence we received suggests that malpractice is widespread across the sector: Complaints from residents about unfair fees, poor maintenance and site owners making it difficult for residents to sell their homes are common.”
He said that current laws governing park homes are “beyond inadequate”.

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