One in 10 tenants barred from changing energy supplier | Money |
Some landlords and lettings agents are breaching the law by issuing contracts preventing tenants from switching energy supplier to get a cheaper deal.
Research by comparison website showed that 3% of people who rent privately have been unable to switch gas or electricity provider because their contract won't allow it, while 7% have been told by their landlord that they cannot switch.
A rental contract is allowed to stipulate that tenants ask a landlord before switching energy supplier, but it cannot refuse permission to switch altogether.
The Office of Fair Trading states: "The tenant should have the choice of supplier, although he may be required to keep the landlord informed of any change and to return the account to the original supplier at the end of the tenancy." It adds that landlord's consent cannot be "unreasonably withheld or delayed".
The uSwitch figures suggest as many as one in 10 landlords may be in breach of the law. A large number of tenants also appear to be unaware of their rights. Fewer than a third of private renters (31%) were aware they could switch energy suppliers, subject to their rental contract, while 28% think being a tenant makes it more difficult for them to switch.
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