Thursday 21 July 2011

Online House Hunter: Remember the Old Kent Road? | Alan Cleaver | Independent Property Blogs

Online House Hunter: Remember the Old Kent Road? | Alan Cleaver | Independent Property Blogs

HASBRO keep reinventing the board game Monopoly to great effect. It’s kept the popular game at the top of the toy charts for many years and ensures plenty of publicity that keeps people talking about which streets should or shouldn’t be included.

The latest wheeze is a board using electronic money via a Monopoly debit card and the replacement of exclusive Mayfair with the new top street, Kensington Palace Gardens.

The world of monopoly website reveals the complete list of streets and there are a few decisions which will stir debate. Most will understand the departure of Fleet Street in favour of Wapping (but should it be right next to the Go Directly To Jail square?). One of the utilities is now a Mobile Phone (and with ‘Internet Provider’) and Stansted Airport replaces one of the rail stations. Many commuters would argue that Free Parking should have been removed a long time ago – when did you last see that in London?! Community Chest has always seemed rather old fashioned – why not National Lottery Fund instead?

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