Wednesday 7 September 2011

How would we split a house purchase in the event of a divorce? | Money |

How would we split a house purchase in the event of a divorce? | Money |

Q My fiance and I are planning to buy our first home. As he recently inherited a large sum of money he will pay the bulk of the deposit (about £80,000), while I have savings of £10,000 to contribute. We think we will need a mortgage of £50,000. He is about to start a degree as a mature student so I will cover the repayments (I am currently on a salary of £20,000 and in line for a promotion).

Although we plan to be together until death do us part, we would also like to be certain that, should we need to, we can divide our assets easily and fairly. Is there any way of monitoring the effect of interest and inflation on the proportion of the house we have each paid for?

A. ......

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