Tuesday 27 March 2012

Rise of rental Britain: More families forced to rent as buy-to-let homes double in a decade | Mail Online

Rise of rental Britain: More families forced to rent as buy-to-let homes double in a decade | Mail Online

Most people renting in Britain are ‘trapped renters’ who would prefer to buy their own home, a report reveals today.
It highlights the misery facing soaring numbers of people who cannot afford to buy at a time when average asking prices have hit £2million in one part of the country.
The average home costs £163,000, but the average salary of a full-time worker in this country is just £26,000.
The report says the number of families who are privately renting has ballooned - and will continue to rise over the next few years.
Official figures show one in six families are renting the home that they live in, the highest number since the 1970s.

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