Friday 30 March 2012

Spring property sales: news roundup | Alex Johnson | Independent Property Blogs

Spring property sales: news roundup | Alex Johnson | Independent Property Blogs

The National Association of Estate Agents’ (NAEA) report for February has showed an increase in the number of sales across the UK – an average seven sales were recorded per branch for the month, up from 6 in January and the highest figure since October 2011 (8 sales). The proportion of sales made to first time buyers remained on par with January at 23 per cent.
Supply levels across the country increased slightly with NAEA agents reporting an average 63 properties available per branch, up from 60 in January. This is still lower than year-on-year figures as an average 70 properties were available in February 2011. Demand for property also rose during February. On average, the number of house-hunters registering with an agent increased from 260 in January to 293 in February. Buyer interest is considerably higher than in February 2011, when 268 house-hunters registered

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